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File tab-group on right hand column

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:35 am
by 9aaa73f0

Hi all;

Im trying to migrate from Anjuta (because crashes), CodeLite looks pretty nice, looks like i will be able to set it up to my preferences with one exception;

I try to maximise vertical height in the editor pane, so prefer to have the tabs for the list of open files on the right hand column, instead of across the top.

I commonly have lots of files open, a dozen or even up to 50 if i get lazy and don't close them... in my old ide they where on the right column and could be sorted based on last use etc, i think its a tidy way to manage them.

Are there options to do something like this under with CodeLite (under Linux)


Re: File tab-group on right hand column

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 1:38 pm
by DavidGH


You don't mention your CodeLite version but, for reasonably recent ones, you can display the tabs on whichever side you wish. See the screenshot.


I commonly have lots of files open, a dozen or even up to 50

An alternative that you might find helpful is the Tabgroups pane in the Workspace View.



Re: File tab-group on right hand column

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:32 am
by 9aaa73f0

Hi, thanks for your reply;

It wasnt the main toolbar i was looking to move (unless i dont understand something), in BlueFish they call it the Document Tab, the screenshot shows it aligned right, which is what i was trying to do.

(im using v17.0.0 under Debian)

Re: File tab-group on right hand column

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 1:32 am
by eranif

For Linux: tab position can only be displayed at the top - if you want this, please submit a feature request on github
@DavidGH I think that you mixed between the toolbar & the tabs ;) and with recent versions, we now also allow to hide it completely (the main toolbar)
