ANN : VersionManager Plugin

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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by eranif »

Hi Jeremie,

I checked out the sources of VersionManager and tried to build it, I ran into an error, so while looking at the project settings
I noticed that the 'Debug' version is pointing to the 'DebugUnicode' while it should be pointing to the 'WinDebugUnicode' same for release.

So after modifying this, I also noticed that you defined an environment variable name 'cl' to point to codelite sources - this is the way I would I have done it, the problem is that codelite did not warn me about it (this is the nature of makefiles, non existent evn is like empty string) I only noticed it cause in the include path I saw lines like:

Code: Select all

Obviously something is missing :)

So I added new 'custom makefile rule' to shout if that environment variable is missing and abort build

Attached is a patch for the workspace and project of VersionManager (to test it, simply remove your 'cl' environment variable and compile)

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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by jfouche »

Hi Eran

Thanks for your feedback.
As I never use debug configuration (I prefer using wxLog functions), I didn't spend time with it. Thanks a lot, I take it ;) Moreover, I see that you are working on stl debugging : maybe I will use debug configuration now...

About your patch, i didn't know about an error in pre-build step. What a good idea. But something seems to be wrong with it : even with the cl env var defined, I got an error when I build the plugin.

Here is the generated makefile :

Code: Select all

## Auto Generated makefile, please do not edit

## WinReleaseUnicode
ConfigurationName      :=WinReleaseUnicode
IntermediateDirectory  :=./WinReleaseUnicode


	@makedir "./WinReleaseUnicode"
PrePreBuild: ifndef cl
$(error please set the environment variable 'cl' to point to the location of codelite sources!)

and it gives me :

Code: Select all

----------Build Started--------
"mingw32-make.exe"  -j 1 -f ""
----------Building project:[ VersionManager - WinReleaseUnicode ]---------- *** please set the environment variable 'cl' to point to the location of codelite sources!.  Stop.
mingw32-make.exe: *** [All] Error 2
----------Build Ended----------
1 errors, 0 warnings
I tried with cl env var defined in CodeLite and in Windows env vars also.

Do you have you an idea why is there a problem ? Does my computer hates me 'cause I let it fall down ?
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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by eranif »

The error you see is because I "tricked" codelite with it.

I added the test condition to the 'custom makefile steps' tab - and If you will switch to that tab, you will see that codelite placed the 'ifndef cl' in the dependencies, where is should left it empty and place it as part of the rule, copy that line to be the first line of the 'Rule Action' and it will work.

By adding some dummy variable to that line (which will be expanded by the makefile to empty string) we can override this problem!

Attached a patch which fixes this as well as replacing the PostBuild command from copy /Y into xcopy /Y

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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by jfouche »

OK, everything is fine now.

About providing dll, as there are sometime some plugin interface modification (plugin_version.h), what is your point of view ?
- Provide binary only for release version of codelite (ex : VersionManager_v0.2.1.0_cl_v1.0.2893) ?
- Provide binary for all interfaces (ex : VersionManager_v0.2.1.0_plugin_141), and explain which revision of CodeLite are compatible with this version. I think this is better, but not very easy to manage...

The DLL currently available for download is probably out of date for most people...
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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by eranif »

I think that you should provide binary per official releases.
Since most people who wants such binaries are using my packages and not building codelite on their own.
So its safe to assume that providing the DLLs for those versions is sufficient

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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by borr »

I can not add your plugin. I do all three steps and nothing happens ( ... stallation). it does not appear in Plugins-Manage plugins

WinXp SP3
CodeLite from bin
VersionManager_1.0.0_cl2.7.0_win32_dll.7z from bin
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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by jfouche »

I did reinstall CodeLite from the sourceforge site, and downloaded the version manager plugin from google.code : It works for me.

Can you paste the content of the Traces (at the bottom of the editor) ?
Thanks for your interrest and feedback
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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by borr »

15:30:51: Loaded debugger: GNU gdb debugger, Version: v2.0
15:30:51: Loaded plugin: Abbreviation plugin
15:30:51: Loaded plugin: Source Code Formatter (AStyle)
15:30:51: Loaded plugin: Continuous build plugin which compiles files on save and report errors
15:30:52: Loaded plugin: Copyright Plugin - a small plugin that allows you to place copyright block on top of your source files
15:30:52: Loaded plugin: CppCheck intergration for CodeLite IDE
15:30:52: Loaded plugin: Cscope Integration for CodeLite
15:30:53: Loaded plugin: A plugin that allows user to launch external tools from within CodeLite
15:30:53: Loaded plugin: Wizards Plugin - a collection of useful utils for C++
15:30:53: Loaded plugin: Qt's QMake integration with CodeLite
15:30:53: Loaded plugin: Snippet wizard
15:30:54: Version interface mismatch error for plugin 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\Subversion.dll'. Plugin's interface version is '141', CodeLite interface version is '221'
15:30:54: Error: Execution of command 'svn --config-dir "C:\Documents and Settings\Borr\Application Data\CodeLite\subversion" --help ' failed (error 2: Не удается найти указанный файл.)
15:30:54: Error: can't open file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Borr\Application Data\CodeLite\subversion\config' (error 3: Системе не удается найти указанный путь.)
15:30:54: Loaded plugin: Subversion plugin for codelite2.0 based on the svn command line tool
15:30:54: Loaded plugin: Symbols View Plugin
15:30:55: Loaded plugin: A Unit test plugin based on the UnitTest++ framework
15:30:55: Error: Failed to load shared library 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\VersionManager.dll' (error 126: Не найден указанный модуль.)
15:30:55: Failed to load plugin's dll: C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\VersionManager.dll
15:30:55: Loaded plugin: wxFormBuilder integration with CodeLite
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\config\accelerators.conf.default'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\abbreviation.accelerators'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\cscope.accelerators'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\external_tools.accelerators'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite/config/accelerators.conf.default'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\abbreviation.accelerators'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\cscope.accelerators'
15:30:56: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\external_tools.accelerators'
15:30:56: Install path: C:\Program Files\CodeLite
15:30:56: Startup Path: C:\Program Files\CodeLite
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\config\accelerators.conf.default'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\abbreviation.accelerators'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\cscope.accelerators'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\external_tools.accelerators'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite/config/accelerators.conf.default'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\abbreviation.accelerators'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\cscope.accelerators'
15:30:58: Loading accelerators from 'C:\Program Files\CodeLite\plugins\resources\external_tools.accelerators'
15:30:58: Info: CodeLite is up-to-date (or newer), version used: 4375, version on site:4375
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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by jfouche »

OK, I think I know where does the pb comes from. I probably do not use the same type of compiler than Eran (I personaly use dwarf2 and he uses SJLJ). I'll switch for next version.
Can you try to add the following DLL in the CodeLite directory ?
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Re: ANN : VersionManager Plugin

Post by borr »

Ok now thanks
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