SVN credentials?

Post here any ideas/problems/suggestions you have regarding CodeLite's Subversion (SVN) plugin
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SVN credentials?

Post by pedder55655 »


I'm desperately trying to use ANY of the CodeLite svn functions but failed utterly so far.
I've tried to checkout a project but all I'm getting is

Code: Select all

svn: E170001: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://#myserver#/chucks/testproject'
svn: E170001: Can't get username or password
I've tried to set user and pass before the server name like user:pass@server, but that didn't work either.
There is no question for a username nor is there a program option. So how am I supposed to provide these?

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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by eranif »


Usually, you will get prompted by codelite to enter username / password when this is needed.
To be honest, I have never tried to login with svn:// I have always used https:// or http:// (which works perfectly)

Also, it will be most helpful if you can provide some more information about your system (linux/windows/mac, codelite version etc)

What happen when you run codelite's command from command line?

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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by pedder55655 »


it basically worked from command line. It stopped and asked for user input.
It did ask for my a password for my Windows user first, which is useless as
this user does not exist on the svn server. I simply pressed enter, then I
was allowed to enter a username and password, which I did, and it worked.

Here is the output (I modified some names and urls for privacy ;))

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Jimmy>svn  --config-dir "C:\Users\Jimmy\AppData\Roaming\CodeLite\subversion"  co svn://#myserver#/chuck/testproject "d:\cworkspace\testproject"
Authentication realm: <svn://#myserver#:3690> Team
Password for 'Jimmy':
Authentication realm: <svn://#myserver#:3690> Team
Username: chuck
Password for 'chuck': *********
A    D:\cworkspace\testproject\Debug\intro_scene.o.d
A    D:\cworkspace\testproject\Debug\libfreetype-6.dll
A    D:\cworkspace\testproject\Debug\libtiff-5.dll

and so on

It could have worked from within CodeLite if it had access to my credentials
stored in the TortoiseSVN settings, but CodeLite forces a separate --config-dir
which does not contain any information atm.

An option for additional command line-options for svn might be useful. I figure
one could then use --username and --password options then.

Edit: I'm using Win7 as client, Ubuntu svn as server. Got another Notebook with
Ubuntu and Codelite which also needs access.
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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by eranif »

A quick question:
Now that you have the sources checked out, does it work if you need to commit/update from within codelite?
Also: note that the 'svn' output window in codelite is like a terminal, i.e. you can type the username there (when prompted)

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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by pedder55655 »

Nice, committing worked from within CodeLite SVN tab.
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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by pedder55655 »

Strangely, CodeLite on Ubuntu showed a password dialogue instead of an instant error message.
Thanks for your help so far, I hope you can make it easier somehow for others running into the same issues as I had.
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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by iwbnwif »

I have been having an identical problem on Windows 8.1 with both Codelite 6.0 and 6.1.

Running a commit from the command line works and 'fixes' Codelite as well so subsequent commits within Codelite also work.

I am using the svn:// protocol to subversion on an Ubuntu server.
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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by eranif »

If you have such a subversion server that I can "play" with it will be easier for me to debug and fix the problem
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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by iwbnwif »

Thanks for your fast response!

Unfortunately my server is behind a firewall and only accessible from the local network.

I am trying to reproduce the problem using the bitname vmware appliance and will let you know if it is possible with some steps to reproduce.
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Re: SVN credentials?

Post by iwbnwif »

Okay it is relatively simple to reproduce. I have included all the steps for completeness, sorry for trying to teach my grandmother to suck eggs ;) . I also have SlickSVN installed and my path includes SlickSVN/bin.
  • In the terminal:
  • Install the bitnami subversion appliance on a Windows box.
  • Create a repository in a suitable location

    Code: Select all

    svnadmin create repos
  • Edit repos\conf\svnserve.conf, uncomment the line starting #password-db
  • Create an entry in repos\conf\passwd like

    Code: Select all

    username = secret
  • Import an existing simple project

    Code: Select all

    svn import simple_prj svn://username@localhost//c:/users/me/development/svn_test/repos -m "Test"
    In Codelite
  • Create a new workspace
  • Checkout the project using an anonymous account

    Code: Select all

    URL of repository: svn//localhost/c:/users/me/development/svn_test/repos
  • Add the checked out project to the workspace Workspace->Add an existing project
  • Edit a file and save it
  • Commit the project (right click on top level folder in Svn window and select Commit
The following error message is shown:

Code: Select all

svn: E170001: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E170001: Can't get username or password
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