Pass -D options to ccpcheck

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Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by Gibbon1 »

In my code I pass some defines to the compiler via the -D option (settings->compiler preprocessor:)

Is there a way, or perhaps this is a 'feature' to pass preprossor defines to ccpcheck? as well?

ccpcheck complains about things like #if(UNIT_TYPE = BLARGE) because UNIT_TYPE is passed to the compiler via -D UNIT_TYPE=BLARGE
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by DavidGH »


CodeLite acts as a front-end to cppcheck, and afaict from a quick manual-read and google, cppcheck doesn't have the ability to 'see' such defines.

If I'm wrong, or if you can see a way for CodeLite to pass them to cppcheck, please correct me ;) .


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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by Gibbon1 »

There is a chapter on Preprocessor configurations the (short) manual that

Seems to say you can add -D options to ccpcheck.
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by DavidGH »

Yes, I read it. But it seems to be talking about passing cppcheck-specific defines, to alter cppcheck's behaviour, rather than ones used in the program being checked.

Why not try it yourself using cppcheck direct to check your program, not through CodeLite. If you confirm that passing your program's defines works there, it shouldn't be difficult to implement within CodeLite too.
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by Gibbon1 »

I did a check running ccpcheck from the command line and the -D option feature works.

I think all you have to do (he says in full humble ignorance) is pass the preprocessor defines as you would to gcc
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by DavidGH »

OK, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for testing it.
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by Gibbon1 »

I did a little test with

#if defined(MONKEY_BUTT)
uint8_t *test = alloca(10);

adding the -DMONKEY_BUTT results in a warning about depreciated alloca();

I admit the manual for ccpcheck is confusing.
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by DavidGH »

I'm trying to create a failing test for cppcheck, otherwise I won't be able to test any fix. And I'm failing...

Using this simple console code:

Code: Select all

    #include <wx/init.h>
    #include <wx/string.h>

    int main( int argc, char** argv )
       // initialize wxWidgets
       wxInitializer init;
        #if (FOO == 1)
            int i = FOO;
            void *test = alloca(10);
       wxPrintf( wxT("Hello in wxWidgets World! i = %i\n\n"), i );
       return 0;
compiled with -DFOO=1, and testing with CL 5.4 (which uses cppcheck 1.54) I get in only the expected:
"Found obsolete function 'alloca'..."

CL trunk has cppcheck 1.63. and this results in just:
"style: Variable 'test' is assigned a value that is never used."

Which version of CodeLite are you using? And which standalone cppcheck did you test? What do you get with the above test, and what would you want to see?
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by Jarod42 »


Code: Select all

int main() {
#ifdef TOTO
    int i;
    int j;
    return 0;
I got:
$ ./codelite_cppcheck.exe --enable=style main.cpp
Checking main.cpp...
[main.cpp:5]: (style) Unused variable: j
Checking main.cpp: TOTO...
[main.cpp:3]: (style) Unused variable: i

$ ./codelite_cppcheck.exe --enable=style -DTOTO main.cpp
Checking main.cpp...
[main.cpp:3]: (style) Unused variable: i

$ ./codelite_cppcheck.exe --enable=style -UTOTO main.cpp
Checking main.cpp...
[main.cpp:5]: (style) Unused variable: j
So, providing -D (define) or -U (undefine) allow cpp_check to not check all possible configurations.
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Re: Pass -D options to ccpcheck

Post by DavidGH »

OK, I think I now understand the situation.

I've implemented this in b26f743 and updated the Cppcheck doc page. Please try it out, and read the doc, to make sure it's what you wanted.
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