SOLVED debugger picklist

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CodeLite Curious
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SOLVED debugger picklist

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This problem was due to a pkg install issue, solved by providing missing library. Thanks!

In the settings area I cannot chose lldb as the debugger, only GDB is in the list. The compiler picklist does not show all of the clang versions on my system. How can I populate the debugger list with LLDB so I can set it? I tried setting the debugger path to lldb, and that succeeded in running lldb but it still passes GDB args to it, I get this error in the codelite log:

[10:48:27:710 DBG] GDB>> lldb: unrecognized option `--command=/tmp/codelite_gdbinit.txt'

It looks like even tough I set the path to lldb, it still thinks the debugger is GDB.

Last edited by on Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: debugger picklist

Post by eranif »

Please provide the information as required in the "HOW TO POST" thread (see my signature)
Also, please provide an exact steps to reproduce the problem
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
CodeLite Curious
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Re: debugger picklist

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Project Settings General Debugger has only GNU Debugger in the picklist and you cannot unselect it. I have been using LLDB successfully until today but something changed. In the setup wizard you can scan for compilers, but only one is found, clang 3.8 which is fine, but there are several other versions of clang it does not find.

Your codelite version 10.0.0
Is it a self compiled version of codelite no
Your OS freebsd11
Compiler version LLVM 3.8

WHen I attempt to debug codelite.log is where I find the diagnostic:
The output tab is empty, I have followed these instructions:

1) If it is a 'Debugger' related bug, make sure to also post:

The full debugger log - enable the 'full debugger logging' option, reproduce your problem and paste the output from the 'Debugger' view ("Output" tab) window to your post (from settings -> GDB settings -> GNU gdb debugger -> misc -> enable full debugger logging)
Your GDB version not using it

here is the line of interest: followed by the surrounding context, thanks!
[12:54:01:572 DVL] Executing command: /usr/bin/lldb --command="/tmp/codelite_gdbinit.txt" --interpreter=mi "./wxhSLED"
[12:43:34:574 DBG] GDB>> lldb: unrecognized option `--command=/tmp/codelite_gdbinit.txt'


lldb -h
lldb -v [[--] <PROGRAM-ARG-1> [<PROGRAM_ARG-2> ...]]
lldb -a <arch> -f <filename> [-c <filename>] [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d] [[--] <PROGRAM-ARG-1> [<PROGRAM_ARG-2> ...]]
lldb -n <process-name> -w [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d]
lldb -p <pid> [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d]
lldb -P
lldb -r [<none>] -R <none>

[12:43:30:298 DBG] Collecting 'using namespace' statements for file '/media/FATSD29/Houston/DevLibSrc/Str/Src/TStrFBSD.CPP' completed
[12:43:30:298 DBG] OnFindUsingNamespaceDone called
[12:43:30:298 DBG] Found the following 'using namespace' statements for file /media/FATSD29/Houston/DevLibSrc/Str/Src/TStrFBSD.CPP
[12:43:30:298 DBG] Collecting 'using namespace' statements for file '/media/FATSD29/Houston/DevLibSrc/Tdbu/Src/TErrPub.h' started
[12:43:30:298 DVL] ==> Creating scanner for file: /media/FATSD29/Houston/DevLibSrc/Tdbu/Src/STPub.h
[12:43:30:298 DBG] Collecting 'using namespace' statements for file '/media/FATSD29/Houston/DevLibSrc/Tdbu/Src/TErrPub.h' completed
[12:43:30:298 DBG] OnFindUsingNamespaceDone called
[12:43:30:299 DBG] Found the following 'using namespace' statements for file /media/FATSD29/Houston/DevLibSrc/Tdbu/Src/TErrPub.h
[12:43:33:400 DVL] Executing command: /usr/bin/lldb --command="/tmp/codelite_gdbinit.txt" --interpreter=mi "./wxhSLED"
[12:43:33:403 DBG] DEBUG>>set unwindonsignal on
[12:43:33:405 DBG] DEBUG>>set breakpoint pending on
[12:43:33:405 DBG] DEBUG>>catch throw
[12:43:33:406 DBG] DEBUG>>set print object on
[12:43:33:406 DBG] DEBUG>>set width 0
[12:43:33:406 DBG] DEBUG>>set height 0
[12:43:33:407 DBG] DEBUG>>set print elements 200
[12:43:33:407 DBG] DEBUG>>python
[12:43:33:407 DBG] DEBUG>>import sys
[12:43:33:408 DBG] DEBUG>>sys.path.insert(0, '/home/tim/.codelite/gdb_printers')
[12:43:33:408 DBG] DEBUG>>from libstdcxx.v6.printers import register_libstdcxx_printers
[12:43:33:408 DBG] DEBUG>>register_libstdcxx_printers (None)
[12:43:33:409 DBG] DEBUG>>from qt4 import register_qt4_printers
[12:43:33:409 DBG] DEBUG>>register_qt4_printers (None)
[12:43:33:409 DBG] DEBUG>>from wx import register_wx_printers
[12:43:33:410 DBG] DEBUG>>register_wx_printers (None)
[12:43:33:410 DBG] DEBUG>>end
[12:43:33:411 DBG] DEBUG>>00000001-break-insert -f -t main
[12:43:33:411 DBG] DEBUG>>00000002-break-insert -f -t main
[12:43:33:411 DBG] DEBUG>>00000003-enable-pretty-printing
[12:43:33:416 DBG] DEBUG>>00000004-exec-arguments
[12:43:33:417 DBG] DEBUG>>00000005-exec-run
[12:43:34:134 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-file_new
[12:43:34:134 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:135 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-file_open
[12:43:34:135 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:135 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-file_reload
[12:43:34:135 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:136 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-file_save
[12:43:34:136 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:136 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-file_save_all
[12:43:34:136 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:137 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-file_close
[12:43:34:137 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:137 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-cut
[12:43:34:137 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:138 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-copy
[12:43:34:138 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:138 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-paste
[12:43:34:138 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:139 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-undo
[12:43:34:139 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:140 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-redo
[12:43:34:140 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:140 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-back
[12:43:34:140 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:141 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-forward
[12:43:34:141 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:141 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-bookmark
[12:43:34:141 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:143 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-find
[12:43:34:143 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:143 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-find_and_replace
[12:43:34:143 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:144 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-find_in_files
[12:43:34:144 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:144 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-open_resource
[12:43:34:145 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:145 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-mark_word
[12:43:34:145 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:146 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-build
[12:43:34:146 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:147 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-stop
[12:43:34:147 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:147 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-clean
[12:43:34:147 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:148 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-execute
[12:43:34:148 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:148 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-execute_stop
[12:43:34:148 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:149 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-debugger_start
[12:43:34:149 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:149 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-debugger_stop
[12:43:34:149 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:150 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-interrupt
[12:43:34:150 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:151 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-debugger_restart
[12:43:34:151 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:151 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-show_current_line
[12:43:34:151 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:152 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-step_in
[12:43:34:152 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:153 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-next
[12:43:34:153 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:153 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-step_out
[12:43:34:153 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:154 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-rewind
[12:43:34:154 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:154 DVL] Loaded HiRes image: 16-record
[12:43:34:154 DVL] Image Size: 16 x 16
[12:43:34:574 DBG] GDB>> lldb: unrecognized option `--command=/tmp/codelite_gdbinit.txt'


lldb -h
lldb -v [[--] <PROGRAM-ARG-1> [<PROGRAM_ARG-2> ...]]
lldb -a <arch> -f <filename> [-c <filename>] [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d] [[--] <PROGRAM-ARG-1> [<PROGRAM_ARG-2> ...]]
lldb -n <process-name> -w [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d]
lldb -p <pid> [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d]
lldb -P
lldb -r [<none>] -R <none>

Prints out the usage information for the LLDB debugger.

Prints out the current version number of the LLDB debugger.

-a <arch>
--arch <arch>
Tells the debugger to use the specified architecture when starting
and running the program. <architecture> must be one of the
[12:43:34:575 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb: unrecognized option `--command=/tmp/codelite_gdbinit.txt'
[12:43:34:577 DBG] DEBUG>>Usage:
[12:43:34:577 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -h
[12:43:34:578 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -v [[--] <PROGRAM-ARG-1> [<PROGRAM_ARG-2> ...]]
[12:43:34:579 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -a <arch> -f <filename> [-c <filename>] [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d] [[--] <PROGRAM-ARG-1> [<PROGRAM_ARG-2> ...]]
[12:43:34:579 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -n <process-name> -w [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d]
[12:43:34:580 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -p <pid> [-s <filename>] [-o <none>] [-S <filename>] [-O <none>] [-k <none>] [-K <filename>] [-Q] [-b] [-e] [-x] [-X] [-l <script-language>] [-d]
[12:43:34:580 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -P
[12:43:34:581 DBG] DEBUG>>lldb -r [<none>] -R <none>
[12:43:34:582 DBG] DEBUG>>-h
[12:43:34:582 DBG] DEBUG>>--help
[12:43:34:583 DBG] DEBUG>>Prints out the usage information for the LLDB debugger.
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CodeLite Plugin
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Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:29 pm
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IDE Question: C++

Re: debugger picklist

Post by eranif »

why did you change the debugger executable to lldb? it does not work that way.
The GDB plugin does not execute LLDB...

To use LLDB, CodeLite is built against liblldb itself, it does not require the executable 'lldb'
Change the debugger from your project settings

If you dont have LLDB, then the plugin is not loaded. Note that we dont provide CodeLite for FreeBSD, you will have to contact the maintainer of the package
Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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