Feature Request : Option for Tabs to Spaces

Post here any ideas/problems/suggestions you have regarding CodeLite's CodeFormatter (AStyle) plugin
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Feature Request : Option for Tabs to Spaces

Post by rajah »

I love Codelite, esp keyboard short cuts and cscope :D .
Unless I am completely missing it, I dont see an option for
replaceing Tabs to spaces. Is it possible to add it?

Keep it up.

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Re: Feature Request : Option for Tabs to Spaces

Post by eranif »

U can set it from:
Settings -> Editor -> and uncheck 'Use tabs for indentation'

From this point, whenever you hit <TAB> codelite will place X spaces instead (as defined in 'Settings -> Editor -> Editor Tabs width'

From this point on, also when using identation (Ctrl-I) spaces will be used.

Make sure you have read the HOW TO POST thread
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Re: Feature Request : Option for Tabs to Spaces

Post by rajah »

Did not know that, guess I was confused.
Thanks for the tip.

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Re: Feature Request : Option for Tabs to Spaces

Post by foxmuldr »

eranif wrote:U can set it from:
Settings -> Editor -> and uncheck 'Use tabs for indentation'

From this point, whenever you hit <TAB> codelite will place X spaces instead (as defined in 'Settings -> Editor -> Editor Tabs width'
From this point on, also when using identation (Ctrl-I) spaces will be used.
I also think this is confusing. There should at least be a label on the CodeFormatter screen saying: "Note: Tabs to spaces conversion comes from Settings -> Editor -> Editor Tabs". In the alternative, I think better CodeFormatter screen options would be:

[x] Use Codelite's editor tabs/spaces settings?

And if not checked, then two more options appear:
[x] Convert to [###] spaces
[x] Convert to tabs

Otherwise, great features in code formatter.

- Rick
Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin
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