Tasks evolution is nice but...

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CodeLite Curious
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Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:02 pm

Tasks evolution is nice but...

Post by verliba »

Hello guys,
I recently upgraded codelite to revision 2759 and found out that thhe TASKS search has changed. Well it's lovely, but in the earlier version of codelite, there was a possiblity to sort the results by the task description. I liked that possibility and would love to see it again in some next version.
In addition to that, I have idea if it would be possible to have multi criteria sorting on the todo comments. Here is example
//TODO gui/DM/1/implement whatever
this could split into let's say 5 or 6 columns
- path/filename
- C scope
- task kind - TODO
- one column per separator in the rest of comment

This would allow to get all tasks destinated to DM as easily as getting all things to do in gui, or with priority 1..